Request Services FormThis feature is for EXISTING CLIENTS ONLY.If your pet is sick or needs immediate attention please call the office, this feature is only for well or annual appointments.Please call the office at (304) 527-5270 to schedule an appointment. Please Note: When making online requests please allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.Personal InformationContact Name*Email* Phone*Preferred Contact Method (Email / Phone)Pet Name*Request Type* Request an Appointment Request a Medication Refill Request a Product RefillWho is this appointment for? (Pet's Name)*What is this appointment for?*Please pick two date's and time's that work best for you:Date / Time #1Please pick two date's and time's that work best for you:Date / Time #2Please list your medications and quantity requested belowPlease list the product and quantity requested belowEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.